Monday, June 16, 2008

We made it

The move went really well, all in thanks to Jesus and Ben's family. Ben and I were up at 6am the morning of the move to get a good head start. I picked up the cousins and we headed off to pickup the couch that my RAD coworker Rhonda had let us store in her garage the last (2) weeks. (Thank you girly). From there we went to the storage unit and began packing the truck. We filled it up pretty good and thank goodness Charlie was there with the mini-van because we filled it up too! (Yeah needless to say I spent most of Sunday getting rid of boxes worth of stuff we no longer need.) But with the added help of the good ol' Costa Verde shopping carts we were able to move relatively pain-free. The guys had some really good times though racing the carts down the hallways :) Lily arrived and lent a helping hand unpacking and getting things situated and Dave stopped by to help move some more heavy stuff upstairs for us. (the picture above is from our patio facing looking onto Regents towards Nobel)

All in all we feel pretty settled in even though we still need to get a bookshelf and some kind of a storage unit for our files/computer stuff...oh and a dining room table, we're looking into getting one of those to that sits 4 comfortably but doesn't take up to much room. We're definitely going for the simple/clutter-free look at this apt. It's just such a pretty apt that it really speaks for itself.
A *.:SPECIAL:.* thank you Charlie ( Ben's dad), Nic (Ben's brother), Caleb & Gabe ( Ben's cousins), Lily (Ben's sister) and David (a super cool friend) for all your time effort and energy spent moving us on Saturday.
For more pics please go to:


Jacin Greenhill said...

Congrats guys. Glad to see you guys keep moving forward. Love you guys.

Unknown said...
